Setting Up and Using MyEMMA®
MyEMMA is a free tool to customize preferences on the EMMA website. With MyEMMA, you can create and manage alerts to stay up to date with changes to individual securities, groups of securities and 529 savings plans or ABLE programs. You can also limit searches to groups of securities and save frequently used searches. Learn more about setting up and using MyEMMA.
To sign up, click the Monitor button on EMMA’s homepage or click MyEMMA® on the navigation bar of the EMMA website, then select MyEMMA Alerts.
Provide your name, email address and state, and create a password.
You will also be asked to attest to your professional or other role.
After you accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy,
the MSRB sends an email confirmation to the email address you provided.
Click the confirmation link in the email within two days to complete the sign-up process and activate MyEMMA.
To sign in to MyEMMA, returning users can click MyEMMA® on the navigation bar of the EMMA website,
then select MyEMMA Alerts and enter your email address and password.
If your MSRB Gateway and MyEMMA login credentials have been merged, use your MSRB Gateway User ID and password to log in to MyEMMA.
If your login credentials have been consolidated, you can also access MyEMMA by logging in through MSRB Gateway.
You can also sign in to MyEMMA, while using the search tool or setting up an alert.
MyEMMA enables you to create and manage your alert preferences. Once signed in to MyEMMA, you can add an alert for a particular security directly from its Security Details page.
Navigate to the Security Details page for any security by entering its CUSIP number in the "Quick Search” box in the main navigation on the EMMA website.
If you don’t know the CUSIP number for the security, you can find its Security Details page by entering the security’s descriptive characteristics in the EMMA Search filters.
While actively signed in to MyEMMA, click the green “Create MyEMMA Alert” button on the Security Details page, you will be automatically subscribed to receive email notifications when primary market documents,
continuing disclosure documents and variable rate security documents are posted to the EMMA website for that security.
You can also add an alert for a 529 plan or ABLE program by selecting “529 Plan/ABLE Program Disclosures” under the “Market Activity” tab and selecting a state from the interactive map to find the plan(s)/programs offered in that state. Upon selecting the "Add this plan to your alerts" button in the upper right side of the Plan Details page, you are automatically subscribed to
receive email alerts when plan and continuing disclosure documents are posted to EMMA for the selected plan/program. You can edit these preferences and add or remove alerts from your custom MyEMMA Dashboard.
You can access your custom MyEMMA Dashboard from the MyEMMA link in the upper right corner of any page of the website. Here you can view your alerts or change your preferences by clicking the
"Manage Preferences" link. Preferences include adding or deleting an individual security, group of securities and 529 plans or ABLE programs in your alerts subscriptions.
You can choose to receive alert notifications by email or simply view the alerts on your MyEMMA Dashboard when you are signed in to MyEMMA. You can also choose the types of information you wish to
receive for each security or group of securities. You can choose to receive notifications when primary market documents,
continuing disclosure documents and variable rate security documents are posted to the EMMA website for a security, as well as end-of-day notifications when a security trades.
Read more.
You may use EMMA Search to find municipal securities by a broad variety of descriptive criteria, including security information, trade history and availability of disclosure documents.
With MyEMMA, you can save and modify frequently used searches. When you are signed in to MyEMMA, you can access, load, modify or delete your saved searches from the Advanced Search page.
Learn more about searching on EMMA.