EMMA is a vital tool in fulfilling the MSRB’s mission to protect investors and municipal securities issuers.
The EMMA Help page provides information on how to use the resources and tools available on EMMA.
Using EMMA
Learn more about how to use the EMMA website, including how to take advantage of the tools and data available on EMMA. Select a topic from the menu to the left.
Submitting Information to EMMA
Municipal securities issuers as well as obligated persons, municipal securities dealers and other market participants that submit disclosure documents and data to the EMMA website can access information and resources in the EMMA Dataport.
Go to EMMA Dataport
Market Education
The MSRB’s website provides educational resources about the municipal bond market for investors and state and local governments.
Go to the MSRB Education Center
EMMA® is a service of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB). To ask questions about EMMA or provide feedback, please contact the MSRB through the Contact Us form or call MSRB Support at 202-838-1330.